Residential-attached sales are also making their mark in 2021 with 1,300 sales compared to less than 1,000 last year. The 118 residential-attached sales in November are up 36% over November 2020.
Speaking of sales, year-to-date MLS® sales of 17,650 clearly set the stage for the final year-end number to elevate 2021 sales to well above 18,000 sales, more than 2,000 sales ahead of last year’s record-smashing total of 16,033.
“What is very apparent in 2021 is how much more other property types besides single-family and condominiums, to a lesser extent, have added to the overall total numbers,” said Doustshenas. “There has been a strong supporting cast with all property types contributing to achieving a higher level of sales and dollar volume activity this year.”
As to a breakdown for Winnipeg versus the much larger geographical market region, the split between single-family homes sales is 66/34 whereas for condominiums it is 85/15. However, vacant land sales have seen listings more prevalent outside Winnipeg, with sales happening largely beyond the capital city with only 3 out of 55 in November being sold within Winnipeg.