June 23, 2013
June 7, 2013
For Immediate Release
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A New Monthly Dollar Volume
Record Set At $412 Million
With April starting a recovery from a
poor first quarter, May did one better
by setting an all time monthly MLS® dollar
volume record of $412 m
illion. It is only the
second time dollar volume for monthly sales
has exceeded $400 million. May MLS® sales
finished strong too! They were 5% ahead of
the 10-year average and
fourth best for the
month of May.
Most noteworthy however are condominium sa
les with a 23 % increase over the same
month last year and a 9% improvement in
the first five months of 2013 over the same
period in 2012. Helping drive th
is upward trend in condominiu
m sales is more existing
supply and new ones coming on the market.
The inventory was up 31 % going into May
2013 and it maintained a 27% gain at the
end of the month compared to May 2012.
Affordable listings were clearly evident with 40% of all condo sales happening in the
$150,000 to $199,999 price range.
Overall MLS® inventory is healthy with a
14% increase in May ne
w listings from May
2012 and the same increase in total
listings at the end of the month.
May MLS® unit sales are down 3% (1,550/1,605)
while dollar volume eked out a marginal
gain ($411.9 million/$411.4 million) in comparis
on to the same month last year. Year-to-
date MLS® sales are down 9% ( 4,951/5,434)
while dollar volume has decreased 4%
($1.28 billion/$1.33 billion) in comparis
on to the same period last year.
“ Our better second quarter MLS® results so far
is bringing us back to a year more in line
with what we expected,” said Richard
Dettman, president of WinnipegREALTORS®.
“This improvement bodes well for June and we
can be thankful for more affordable
condominium offerings alleviating some of the
fall off in residential-detached or single
family sales.”
“The tale of two property types is well at play
this year with condominium sales almost the
exact reverse of single family homes,” said
Dettman. “The former are up 9% while the
latter are down 10%. All levels of government
need to be mindful of the actions they take
to facilitate or inhi
bit one of the most important econom
ic engines in the country.”
The most active residential-detached pr
ice range in May was the $250,000 to $299,999 one
with 24% of total sales followed by the $200,000 to $249,999 at 18%. For condominium
sales, the $150,000 to $199,999 price ranges dominat
es by a wide margin at 40% of total
sales with the higher price range of
$200,000 to $249,999 a distant second at 18%.
The average days on market for residential-deta
ched sales was 22 days, 4 days faster than
last month and 2 days better than May 2012.
Average days on market for condominium
sales was 41 days, 12 days slower than last
month and 13 days off the pace set in May
Established in 1903, WinnipegREALTORS® is a prof
essional association
representing nearly
1,800 real estate brokers, salespeo
ple, appraisers, and financial
members active in the Greater
Winnipeg Area real estate market. Its REALTOR®
members adhere to a st
rict code of ethics
and share a state-of-the-art Mu
ltiple Listing Service® (MLS
®) designed exclusively for
REALTORS®. WinnipegREALTORS® serves its
members by promoting the benefits of an
organized real estate profession. REALTOR®
, MLS® and Multiple Listing Service® are
trademarks owned and controlled
by The Canadian Real Estate
Association and are used under
For further information, contact Peter Squire at 786-8854.